Mental Health Pathway, Scotland: call for examples of practice and lessons learned
The Mental Health Pathway (MHP) is a collaborative project between Police Scotland and NHS24 (Scotland's national telehealth and telecare organisation).
Members of the public who make contact with Police Scotland and are identified as suffering from mental ill health and/or distress and who meet the MHP criteria can be effectively referred to the NHS24 Mental Health Hub (MHH). The referral is completed in real time, with Police Scotland staff speaking directly with NHS24 MHH qualified Mental Health Practitioners; the process is completed and MHH Practitioner has contact with the member of public within 10 minutes. The service is available 24/7, all year. The key outcome of the Mental Health Pathway is to enhance individual ability to access treatment for mental health and joined-up, accessible services.
This first phase was launched in August 2020, and currently as we move to phase two we are looking to introduce Mental Health Nurse Practitioners into Police Scotland control rooms.
Can I ask if anyone who has had such experience in MH & Policing, with similar approaches or programs, could get in touch so we can learn from their experiences?
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